NoSQL operator: listtotable

Converts from a properly-formatted list into a NoSQL table.

Usage: listtotable [options]

    --input (-i) 'file'
      Read input from 'file' instead of STDIN.

    --output (-o) 'file'
      Write output to 'file' instead of STDOUT.

    --help (-h)
      Display this help text.

    --no-header (-N)
      Remove header from output.

    --no-chomp (-n)
      Do not remove the leading TAB inserted by 'tabletolist'
      on continuation lines.

    --trim (-t)
      Strip leading and trailing blanks from each input field
      name and field value.

    --skip (-s) 'pattern'
      Skip input lines that match 'pattern'. The latter must be a
      valid AWK pattern without surrounding slashes. Apply this
      option with care, as skipping input lines may result in an
      invalid output table.


If the input list contains duplicated entries, i.e. multiple rows
with the same label (column name), the resulting table may be

One noteworthy property of 'listtotable' is that it does not complain
if records following the first one contain a different number of fields
than the latter. Such unintended behaviour happens to be quite useful
when used in conjunction with 'updtable', which is also tolerant with
respect to such short/long records when they occur in the 'edit' table.
Note, however, that field order must be retained across the records,
i.e. no two fields can be swapped or the respective data will be
associated with the wrong column. See 'updtable --help' for further